Froggys Fog is proud to present it's newest and most cost effective fragrance solution yet... Froggys Spray-on Fragrance! You can now have all of your favorite Scent Cup and Fog Additive Smells as a wearable Cologne/Perfume.
Imagine your Clown Actor or Prop smelling like Garlic, Garlic or Popcorn as your guests walk by, or picture a Butcher shop Actor or Prop that actually smells like a REAL Slaughterhouse or Rotting Decay. How about a Graveyard scene where all of the props and actors smell like Mildew or Dirt?, Or a Swamp scene where the Props and Actors smell like a Swampy Marsh or Rain Forest.
With Froggys Spray-on Perfumes / Colognes this unique sensory element is now a reality with no air compressors, fans, or scent beads required. Froggys Scented Sprays are easy to clean up by simply taking a bath and/or washing your clothes/costumes. These Fragrances are not diluted versions of our famous Fog and Scent Cup Additives, but real Perfumes / Colognes from the Haunted Attraction Industry's ONLY Perfumery, Froggys Fog.
Halloween and Holiday Scented Perfumes
Lasts 2-3 Days with just one application
Take the smell of Halloween with you
Spray your clothes, props, actors, or walls
Fun to prank your friends with nasty smelly sprays
Imagine your Clown Actor or Prop smelling like Garlic, Garlic or Popcorn as your guests walk by, or picture a Butcher shop Actor or Prop that actually smells like a REAL Slaughterhouse or Rotting Decay. How about a Graveyard scene where all of the props and actors smell like Mildew or Dirt?, Or a Swamp scene where the Props and Actors smell like a Swampy Marsh or Rain Forest.
With Froggys Spray-on Perfumes / Colognes this unique sensory element is now a reality with no air compressors, fans, or scent beads required. Froggys Scented Sprays are easy to clean up by simply taking a bath and/or washing your clothes/costumes. These Fragrances are not diluted versions of our famous Fog and Scent Cup Additives, but real Perfumes / Colognes from the Haunted Attraction Industry's ONLY Perfumery, Froggys Fog.
Halloween and Holiday Scented Perfumes
Lasts 2-3 Days with just one application
Take the smell of Halloween with you
Spray your clothes, props, actors, or walls
Fun to prank your friends with nasty smelly sprays
Frequently Asked Questions
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- I cant believe this exists
As a garlic bread lover, there is nothing I love more than the smell of fresh garlic... and now your telling me I can smell like that all the time! FANTASTIC. now I can watch godzilla movies and smell like garlic!!! ABSOLUTLEY WONDERFUL!!!